202311-11The Structure of SL_2(F_3) as a Semidirect Product10-21A Separable Extension Is Solvable by Radicals Iff It Is Solvable09-18Picard's Little Theorem and Twice-Punctured Plane08-12SL(2,R) As a Topological Space and Topological Group07-17Artin's Theorem of Induced Characters05-27Chinese Remainder Theorem in Several Scenarios of Ring Theory04-06Projective Representations of SO(3)03-20The Quadratic Reciprocity Law02-13Vague Convergence in Measure-theoretic Probability Theory - Equivalent Conditions
202212-23The Pontryagin Dual group of Q_p12-20The Haar Measure on the Field of p-Adic Numbers12-05Every Regular Local Ring is Cohen-Macaulay12-02The abc Theorem of Polynomials11-24A Step-by-step of the Analytic Continuation of the Riemann Zeta Function09-22Properties of Cyclotomic Polynomials09-04Calculus on Fields - Heights of Polynomials, Mahler's Measure and Northcott's Theorem08-21Hensel's Lemma - A Fair Application of Newton's Method and 'Double Induction'08-12Irreducible Representations of GL_2(F_q)07-26Segre Embedding And Heights06-30The Calculus of Fields - Absolute Values06-16Irreducible Representations of SO(3) and the Laplacian05-08Study Irreducible Representations of SU(2) Using Fourier Series05-06The Fourier Transform of exp(-cx^2) and Its Convolution04-15A Detailed Proof of the Riemann Mapping Theorem03-29Examples in Galois Theory 3 - Polynomials of Prime Degree and Pairs of Nonreal Roots03-27Examples in Galois Theory 2 - Cubic Extensions03-16Examples in Galois Theory 1 - Complex Field is Algebraically Closed01-18The Group Algebra of A Finite Group and Maschke's Theorem
202112-29The ring of trigonometric polynomials with complex scalars12-24The ring of real trigonometric polynomials10-10Characters in Analysis and Algebra10-02The Banach Algebra of Borel Measures on Euclidean Space08-16The concept of generalised functions (distributions) and derivatives07-24Curse of Knowledge07-08Elementary Properties of Cesàro Operator in L^205-26Left Shift Semigroup and Its Infinitesimal Generator05-10Quasi-analytic Vectors and Hamburger Moment Problem (Operator Theory)03-30Quasi-analytic Classes02-23(Kind of) Missing Content in Your Linear Algebra Class (Still on Progress)02-07Dedekind Domain and Properties in an Elementary Approach01-23Several ways to prove Hardy's inequality01-19Tensor Product as a Universal Object (Category Theory & Module Theory)01-15Why Does a Vector Space Have a Basis (Module Theory)01-14Rings of Fractions and Localisation01-10The Grothendienck Group
202012-22Study Vector Bundle in a Relatively Harder Way - Tangent Bundle11-28A Continuous Function Sending L^p Functions to L^111-27Study Vector Bundle in a Relatively Harder Way - Definition11-13The Big Three Pt. 6 - Closed Graph Theorem with Applications11-08Partition of Unity on Different Manifolds (Part 1. Introduction)10-18Stirling公式的几种经典估计10-15A proof of the ordinary Gleason-Kahane-Żelazko theorem for complex functionals10-01The Big Three Pt. 5 - The Hahn-Banach Theorem (Dominated Extension)09-27A long exact sequence of cohomology groups (zig-zag and diagram-chasing)09-24The Fourier transform of sinx/x and (sinx/x)^2 and more09-19The Riesz-Markov-Kakutani Representation Theorem09-12The Big Three Pt. 4 - The Open Mapping Theorem (F-Space)09-03The completeness of the quotient space (topological vector space)08-26Introducing Riemann-Stieltjes Integral08-18Basic Facts of Semicontinuous Functions08-16An Introduction to Quotient Space08-14关于《第三次忍受》08-12The Big Three Pt. 3 - The Open Mapping Theorem (Banach Space)08-01Cauchy sequence in group theory07-31A Brief Introduction to Fréchet Derivative07-21An elementary introduction to profinite groups07-16线性ODE(四)——常系数高阶线性微分方程的普遍解法07-04A continuous function is 'mostly' nowhere differentiable06-30The Big Three Pt. 2 - The Banach-Steinhaus Theorem06-06The Big Three Pt. 1 - Baire Category Theorem Explained06-01Jordan标准形的求法——以一个四阶矩阵为例05-21矩阵Jordan标准形的原理05-20More properties of zeros of an entire function05-17Linear ODE but Quotient Spaces05-16Prove Picard's Existence and Uniqueness Theorem on Different Levels05-12线性ODE(三)——初探高阶线性方程05-07关于《有人弄乱了这束玫瑰花》05-04线性ODE(二)——用矩阵表示方程组05-01线性ODE(一)——线性方程的思想与一阶方程04-18高等数学入门——理解无穷小的阶(微积分的“科学计数法”)03-29The Lebesgue-Radon-Nikodym theorem and how von Neumann proved it03-23Counterexamples of Fubini's theorem03-22Fubini's theorem in Euclidean space (Understanding 'almost everywhere')03-14Topological properties of the zeros of a holomorphic function02-08准素分解与准素标准型02-03线性空间的循环分解01-28线性变换不变子空间的导子及其性质01-22线性空间的循环子空间与简单应用01-17抽象Lebesgue积分的构建
201910-31欧拉反射公式和利用Fourier级数的证明10-02并不新颖的观点:不要追求生产力、效率了09-07高等数学入门:上下确界及其极限形式08-24调和级数发散的若干证明08-19洛必达法则的几种不同的证明08-06优美的Fourier级数(二): 有界差分下的收敛(Jordan判别法)08-05优美的Fourier级数(一): 绝对不只是求表达式的问题08-04压缩定理和其应用