2022-06-30The Calculus of Fields - Absolute ValuesAlgebra / Field Theory / Number Theory / Algebraic Number Theory
2022-06-16Irreducible Representations of SO(3) and the LaplacianAlgebra / Representation Theory / Linear Algebra / Lie Groups
2022-05-08Study Irreducible Representations of SU(2) Using Fourier SeriesAnalysis / Algebra / Representation Theory / Linear Algebra / Fourier Series / Lie Groups
2022-04-15A Detailed Proof of the Riemann Mapping TheoremAnalysis / Complex Analysis / Conformal Mapping
2022-03-29Examples in Galois Theory 3 - Polynomials of Prime Degree and Pairs of Nonreal RootsAlgebra / Group Theory / Galois Theory
2022-03-16Examples in Galois Theory 1 - Complex Field is Algebraically ClosedAlgebra / Group Theory / Galois Theory
2022-01-18The Group Algebra of A Finite Group and Maschke's TheoremAlgebra / Representation Theory / Group Algebra / Non-Commutative Ring
2021-12-29The ring of trigonometric polynomials with complex scalarsAlgebra / Commutative Algebra / Geometry / Algebraic Geometry