Picard's Little Theorem and Twice-Punctured Plane

We show that the range of a non-constant entire function's range cannot be a twice-punctured plane.


A Step-by-step of the Analytic Continuation of the Riemann Zeta Function

We compute the analytic continuation of the Riemann Zeta function and after that the reader will realise that asserting $1+2+\dots=-\frac{1}{12}$ without enough caution is not a good idea.


A Detailed Proof of the Riemann Mapping Theorem

We offer a detailed proof of the Riemann mapping theorem, which states that every proper simply connected region is conformally equivalent to the open unit disc.


Quasi-analytic Classes

We study the concept of quasi-analytic functions, which are quite close to being analytic.


The Fourier transform of sinx/x and (sinx/x)^2 and more

In this post we compute the Fourier transform of $\sin{x}/x$ and $(\sin{x}/x)^2$ through contour integration.


More properties of zeros of an entire function

What’s going on againIn this post we discussed the topological properties of the zero points of an entire nonzero function, o...


Topological properties of the zeros of a holomorphic function

What’s going onIf for every $z_0 \in \Omega$ where $\Omega$ is a plane open set, the limit \lim_{z \to z_0}\frac{f(z)-f(...
