Chinese Remainder Theorem in Several Scenarios of Ring Theory

We study the Chinese remainder theorem in various contexts and abstract levels.


Every Regular Local Ring is Cohen-Macaulay

In this post we show that the class of regular local rings (the abstract version of power series rings) is a subclass of Cohen-Macaulay ring.


Hensel's Lemma - A Fair Application of Newton's Method and 'Double Induction'

We prove the celebrated Hensel's lemma using the so-called Newton's method and "double induction", and try to find solutions of polynomials in $\mathbb{Q}_p$.


The ring of trigonometric polynomials with complex scalars

This post is a continuation of a previous post about the ring of trigonometric polynomials over the real field. Now we have jumped into the complex field, and the extension is not a trivial matter.


The ring of real trigonometric polynomials

The ringThroughout we consider the polynomial ring R=\mathbb{R}[\cos{x},\sin{x}].This ring has a lot of non-trivial properties which give us a good chance to study commutative ring theory.


Dedekind Domain and Properties in an Elementary Approach

You can find contents about Dedekind domain (or Dedekind ring) in almost all algebraic number theory books. But many properti...


Tensor Product as a Universal Object (Category Theory & Module Theory)

IntroductionIt is quite often to see direct sum or direct product of groups, modules, vector spaces. Indeed, for modules over...


Rings of Fractions and Localisation

Is perhaps the most important technical tools in commutative algebra. In this post we are covering definitions and simple pro...
